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Interactive state-by-state health insurance guide released by AHCJ

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AHCJ has developed a new resource called Insurance Media Guides to assist health care journalists in comprehending and navigating the intricacies of the American health insurance market.

The tool provides state-level primers on the number of residents with insurance in each state, as well as the District of Columbia and their insurance provider, and was developed by Georgetown University’s Centre on Health Insurance Reforms with funding from the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation.

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The first section’s overview describes the patchwork system of health insurance coverage in the United States, where a person’s age, place of birth, employment, income, and other factors can all affect their access to services, level of financial protection, and whether or not they have coverage at all. Location as well as state of health.

The laws and resources governing health insurance in the US are extremely complex, and they differ significantly from state to state.

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This makes it extremely difficult to report on consumers’ experiences with health insurance and the companies that are involved,” stated Sabrina Colette, co-founder of the centre, project manager, and founder of the centre.

“Our goal was to develop a tool that would assist journalists in educating and enlightening their readers about the laws and commercial dynamics affecting our ability to obtain reasonably priced, all-inclusive medical care,” stated Colette.

Insurance types

There is a description of every type of health coverage used by Americans in the Insurance Media Guides. Among the insurance kinds are the following:

  • For employees and their families, employer-sponsored health insurance (ESI) is the largest insurance provider in the country, covering 49% of citizens.
  • Medicaid and the Children’s Health Insurance Programme (CHIP) provide coverage for 21 percent of the US population, which includes low-income individuals, children, pregnant women, some elderly Americans, people with disabilities, and others.
  • 15% of American seniors 65 years of age and older, as well as people with specific disabilities, are covered by Medicare.
  • personal protection. Approximately 6% of consumers purchase insurance online or through the Affordable Care Act marketplaces for individual and family coverage.
  • Approximately 1% of Americans are covered by the military.
  • Those without insurance. Approximately 8% of Americans lack health insurance, but despite their inability to pay for care, they frequently receive it from doctors, hospitals, and other providers. This information comes from recent federal reports.

Additional tool features

Each of the 50 states and the District of Columbia’s health insurance markets is described in detail in the Insurance Media Guides tool.

The reports on each state provide information on the different insurance coverage options available, whether the state has expanded Medicaid enrolment as permitted by the Affordable Care Act, and the kind of marketplace the state operates for consumers looking to enrol in the ACA.

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It’s also critical for journalists covering the US health insurance market to be aware of two serious flaws in the market.

First off, health insurance alone cannot pay for all of the annual medical expenses that the majority of Americans require, no matter where their coverage comes from.

Second, the United States performs poorly in nearly all major categories when researchers compare the health insurance system to that of other sizeable, high-income countries.

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For instance, patient outcomes are among the lowest in the world despite the fact that administrative and other costs associated with health care are among the highest in the United States.


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