Protected Text:1 Important Insurance Factors


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Is the business you run from home protected? Important insurance factors

Protected Text:1 Important Insurance Factors

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(NC) Running a small business from home can have a lot of convenient benefits, but if you don’t have the proper insurance coverage, you could end up with some expensive headaches. This isn’t just your typical house insurance coverage.

Certain business-related activities might be covered by your home policy, but the coverage limits are typically far lower than those of a small business insurance policy. Examine your options to make sure you’re covered.

Additionally, there are some coverages that your home insurance policy does not provide. For instance, you wouldn’t be compensated for any lost revenue if an insured event forced your company to close for a brief period of time.

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If a client trips and falls on your property while they are at your home-based business, you might not be compensated for their injuries by your homeowner’s insurance policy if you are found to be at fault. You can tailor your small business insurance policy to your company’s needs by working with providers like TD Insurance.

A certified insurance advisor can assist you with questions regarding insurance for your home-based business, so get in touch with them to find out more. Additional details are available at


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