Community Certificate: Impact Grant Nearly 400 Now


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Announced are the recipients of the Ecclesiastical Insurance 2023 Community Impact Grant

Community Certificate: Impact Grant Nearly 400 Now

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Community Certificate Community Certificate Download P2P Community


The special organizational structure of our organization makes possible the Community Impact Grant program: We take great pride in being a member of the Benefit Group, which is owned by the third-largest charitable trust in the United Kingdom, Benefact Trust.

Because of the diligence and commitment of our staff, we firmly believe that better businesses can improve lives. As a result, all of our profits are reinvested in our grant programs.

Our Community Impact Grants are given to Canadian registered charities to support particular initiatives that have a long-lasting, positive influence on their local communities. This year, charities that tackled the following important issues received extra attention:

  • Using a human-centered approach to environmental conservation,
  • hunger, access to and availability of food in relation to poverty, and
  • vulnerable families and young people.

We were thrilled to receive nearly 400 grant applications, and because there were so many worthwhile programs represented, it was very challenging to choose the winners. With great pleasure, we present the recipients of our 2023 Community Impact Grants list:

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  • Yellowknife, Northwest Territories: YWCA NWT
  • Compost Education Center, British Columbia’s Victoria
  • Victoria’s Saanich Neighborhood Place in British Columbia
  • Brown Bags for the Street Children of Calgary, Alberta
  • Alberta’s Momentum Counseling, Edmonton
  • Regina, Saskatchewan / Regina Food for Learning
  • The Wrench, Manitoba’s Winnipeg
  • Agape Center, Cornwall, Ontario / Center Agape
  • Durham, Ontario’s Elephant Thoughts Educational Outreach
  • Hamilton, Ontario’s Essential Aid and Family Services of Ontario
  • Barrie, Ontario’s Forests Ontario
  • Growing Kids with Green Thumbs in Toronto, Ontario
  • Ontario’s St. Matthew’s House, Hamilton
  • Toronto, Ontario’s Thrive Youth Development Canada
  • Prof. Dino, Animation Scientifiques, Longueil, Quebec
  • Atlantic Coastal Action Program, New Brunswick, Saint John
  • Nova Scotia’s New Minas, The Flower Cart
  • Prince Edward Island’s Summerside, Boys and Girls Club of Summerside Inc.,
  • Youth Options Inc., located in St. John’s, Newfoundland

Ecclesiastical Canada President David Huebel stated, “As a specialist insurance company, our mission is to protect those who enrich the lives of others.”

“We have a strong commitment to the fundamental values that guide our work, which include giving back, assisting the various communities we serve, protecting the distinctive history and customs of our nation, and serving the greater good.

These fundamental principles are still being advanced through our Community Impact Grant program.”

Click here for additional details regarding the 2023 recipients of the Community Impact Grant.

Concerning Ecclesiastic

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Community Certificate Community Certificate Download P2P Community

A specialist provider of commercial insurance is Ecclesiastical Insurance Office plc. As a proud member of the Benefact Group, we have a strong commitment to upholding the needs of charitable organizations that enhance the lives of others, to fostering distinctive cultural programs in our communities, and to advocating for causes that enhance the quality of life for those in need.

Imagine Canada has awarded Ecclesiastical Canada the Caring Company designation in recognition of its exceptional leadership in social responsibility and community investment in Canada.

Ecclesiastical, a renowned employer, was listed as one of Greater Toronto’s Top Employers, 2024 for the sixth year in a row


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