The Chosen Season 3: Head Of Insurance Solutions Now


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The head of insurance solutions for APAC is chosen by Fidelity International.

The Chosen Season 3: Head Of Insurance Solutions Now

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The Chosen Season 3 Chosen Store Chosen Meaning In Hindi


The newly formed position of head of insurance solutions for Asia-Pacific at Fidelity International was filled by Pierre-Emmanuel Brard, the company announced in a statement on January 17.

Brard is still based in Singapore and is responsible for leading the investment management company with its London headquarters’ business expansion and insurer partnerships.

Additionally, he collaborates closely with distribution heads to create and execute plans that meet the investment requirements of insurance clients.

Ghislain Perisse, global head of insurance solutions, is his boss.

“Fidelity International continues to have numerous substantial growth opportunities in the insurance sector. Our goal is still to develop a sizable and specialized company to help our insurance clients and achieve our aspirational expansion goals,” Rajeev

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In the statement was Mittal, the managing director for Asia-Pacific outside of Japan.

As of September 30, Fidelity International had invested $514.1 billion on behalf of clients.

At the insurer AIA Group, which has its headquarters in Hong Kong, Brard held a senior position in the asset allocation and investment solutions division. A question regarding his replacement was not answered right away by spokespeople.


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