Amazon Employees Layoffs: Qualified $65 Million Now


Amazon Employees Layoffs Central Government Employees Da Hike

42,000 seasonal employees in Quebec’s Atlantic provinces are qualified for a top-up in employment insurance.

Amazon Employees Layoffs: Qualified $65 Million Now.

Amazon Employees LayoffsCentral Government Employees Da Hike
Amazon Employees Layoffs Central Government Employees Da Hike


According to the federal government, a recent modification to the program makes 7,700 seasonal workers in Nova Scotia eligible for a $12.5 million top-up in employment insurance benefits.

The program known as “pilot project 22” will be accessible to 42,000 qualified seasonal workers, with the exception of 100 in Quebec and Atlantic Canada.

Further information on a plan announced last month to provide up to four extra weeks of regular

Employment and Social Development Canada benefits for qualified claims filed by September 2024 is available in documents released by Employment and Social Development Canada on Wednesday.

When claimants use up their EI benefits before seasonal employment resumes, a “income gap” results, which the department is working to close.

An peculiarly made worse this year by declining unemployment rates in seven out of thirteen employment insurance economic regions, including both of Nova Scotia’s EI regions.

Due to long-standing regulations, the number of weeks eligible for benefits typically decreases in tandem with regional unemployment rates, indicating an improving labor market.

Events that stop work.

Amazon Employees LayoffsCentral Government Employees Da Hike
Amazon Employees Layoffs Central Government Employees Da Hike

Good news for most, but not for certain seasonal workers in 2023 whose jobs were cut short due to supply chain disruptions, market volatility, and natural disasters.

“The abrupt and unusual reduction in the number of weeks of benefit entitlement owing to lower unemployment rates can be difficult for seasonal workers who depend on EI support to help them get through recurrent periods of unemployment, especially if they live in communities which are largely

reliant on seasonal industries, with little work available in between,” the department stated in a report that went along with the revised regulations.

Nova Scotia’s unemployment rate is declining.

The unemployment rate in eastern Nova Scotia decreased from 11.3 percent to 10.7 percent and in western Nova Scotia from 7.5 percent to 5.6 percent between September 2022 and September 2023.

The number of weeks of benefits that would be eliminated due to Nova Scotia’s declining unemployment rate was not specified by Employment and Social.

Development Canada. But according to its analysis, compared to those whose claims were established in September 2022, a 2.8% decrease in Newfoundland Labrador’s unemployment rate would mean up to six fewer weeks of regular benefit entitlement.

Eligibility guidelines as of right now

The four-week top up does not change the basic requirements; individuals must have worked between 420 and 700 hours in insurance-eligible employment to be eligible, and depending on their cumulative hours and the local unemployment rate, they may receive 14 to 45 weeks of regular employment insurance benefits.

According to the analysis, additional benefits are worth $480 on average every week.

Response in N.S.

Amazon Employees LayoffsCentral Government Employees Da Hike
Amazon Employees Layoffs Central Government Employees Da Hike

“Some people will work less because of that because they can now stay on claim longer,” comments Fred Bergman, senior policy analyst at the independent research group Atlantic Economic Council.


However, it’s critical to address that if we’re hoping to reduce the income gap because, even if those extra weeks of benefits are eliminated, there’s no assurance that they will obtain employment.”


According to the analysis, some of the federal government’s consulted experts are worried, Bergman told CBC News on Wednesday.


According to an analysis published in the Canada Gazette, some of the federal government’s consulted experts are worried that “economic development and productivity in areas with highly seasonal regional economies are being hampered by EI and have called for incremental changes toward less regional EI policies.”

On Wednesday, the Progressive Conservative government of Nova Scotia endorsed the top-up.


“The Department of Labour, Skills and Immigration has been consulted on changes to the EI fund, and we are supportive of this federal government initiative to better support individuals during income gaps,” a spokesperson for the department, Monica MacLean, said in


The Nova Scotia Federation of Labour’s president, Danny Cavanagh, described it as a good first.  step.


Naturally, it’s better than nothing, but we still think that it falls short and that seasonal workers will require a great deal of assistance this winter. People still require housing and a source of income.”

Who and how much.

The estimated cost of the four-week top-up is $65 million.

The breakdown of eligibility outside of Nova Scotia is as follows:

Newfoundland and Labrador’s 5,600 seasonal workers are entitled to an additional $8.9 million in benefits for at least one week.

  • In P.E.I., 2,800 people qualify for $4.5 million.
  • In New Brunswick, 5,900 people are qualified for $9 million.
  • In Quebec, there are 19,000 seasonal workers who can receive $30 million.


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