Growing Pains Television Show :1 British Columbia’s Roads Now



Growing Pains Television Show :1 British Columbia’s Roads Now

There is a growing number of uninsured drivers on British Columbia’s roads.

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Since the province removed the requirement for drivers to place insurance decals on their license plates, there seem to be more uninsured drivers on British Columbia’s roads.

B.C. announced in May 2022 that police would no longer be using insurance decals and would instead be using automated plate recognition to identify uninsured vehicles. The device can read up to 3,000 license plates per hour, saving police resources.

However, Kootenay RCMP revealed last week that they had discovered a “shocking” number of drivers operating cars without insurance.

The BC Highway Patrol (Kootenay) found 177 drivers operating uninsured vehicles between December 1, 2023, and January 11, 2024. Every motorist was given a ticket. $598 for an insurance-void ticket.

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But according to Greg Harper of ICBC, nothing has changed on the road since the decals were removed.

“Since the decal requirement was eliminated in May 2022, we estimate that there are less than 1% of uninsured drivers on the road in British Columbia,” he stated.

Many drivers tell police across British Columbia that they forgot to renew their insurance because there are no decals on their vehicle. When it comes to uninsured cars on our roads, Harper stated,

“We share the concerns of police and encourage every driver in British Columbia to take a moment to consider when their vehicle insurance is due for renewal and get in touch with an intermediary for insurance.

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The top 10 justifications that the BC Highway Patrol hears when they stop an uninsured car are listed below, based on their observations:

  • – ICBC failed to notify me of this.
  • I’m currently en route to buy insurance.
  • – I overlooked
  • – I no longer own a decal.
  • Since my insurance is automatically renewed, I reasoned that I didn’t need to
  • – My mother, father, or friend is the registered owner, and that is their occupation.
  • – This is a business car.
  • Although my car is insured, I don’t have the necessary paperwork.
  • – I stopped using the credit card that was being used to make preauthorized purchases.
  • Despite the fact that I don’t have insurance, I had to go somewhere.

Insp. Chad Badry, the officer in charge of the Kootenay Highway Patrol, says, “Drivers should think about the risks of operating without insurance, which include paying a significant fine,

being financially responsible for a collision, and expensive towing costs.” “For repeat offenses, there is a possibility of a driver’s license suspension or harsher penalties in court.”

Drivers should verify the expiration dates on their vehicle’s documentation before driving, and owners must renew their own insurance as it is not automatically renewed. Drivers risk a $81 fine if they fail to keep documents in the car.


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