Paw Patrol Characters :The Top 10 Reasons Drivers Gave Now



The top 10 reasons drivers gave for not having insurance were as follows: Highway Patrol of British Columbia

Paw Patrol Characters :The Top 10 Reasons Drivers Gave Now


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The BC Highway Patrol (BCP) has released a list of the top ten justifications given by drivers for operating an uninsured vehicle.

The BC Highway Patrol – Kootenay discovered a worrying trend of drivers operating their vehicles without valid insurance, which set off the creation of the list.

A whopping 177 drivers were found to be driving without insurance between December 1st, 2023 and January 11th, 2023, according to the police agency. Each of them was issued a $598 violation ticket.

BCP has put together a list of the top 10 excuses they heard during this time to help illuminate the causes of this concerning behavior.

  1. ICBC did not notify me in advance.
  2. Right now, I’m en route to buy insurance.
  3. I overlooked it.
  4. I have given up on having a decal.
  5. Since my insurance is paid for by default, I didn’t think I needed to renew.
  6. It is the responsibility of my parents, friends, or other registered owners.
  7. This car belongs to the company.
  8. In reality, my car is insured, but I don’t have the paperwork.
  9. The credit card that was generating the preauthorized payments was cancelled by me.
  10. Even though I am aware that I am without insurance, I had to get somewhere.

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Paw Patrol Characters Paw Patrol Toys On Patrol Live


Inspector Chad Badry, the Officer in Charge of the Kootenay Highway Patrol, says, “Drivers should think about the risks of operating without insurance which include paying a significant fine, being financially responsible for a collision, and expensive towing costs.”

“Repeated offenses carry a risk of increased penalties in court or a suspension of one’s driver’s license.”

You can renew your insurance over the phone or online. Avoid driving the uninsured car to the insurance broker to renew it, the police advise.

Badry cautions that taking the bus, ridesharing, or taxi is a more economical option than getting a $598 violation ticket and paying for towing.


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