Red Sea In World Map : West Pay 50% Ships With Ties Insurance


Red Sea In World Map Operation Red Sea Red Sea Bordering Countries

Red Sea In World Map : West Pay 50% Ships With Ties Insurance

Ships with ties to Israel but from the West Pay 50% More for Red Sea Insurance

Red Sea In World MapOperation Red Sea
Red Sea Bordering Countries
Red Sea In World Map Operation Red Sea Red Sea Bordering Countries


Due to the ongoing threat of attacks by Yemen’s Houthis, war underwriters are now charging ships affiliated with American,

British, and Israeli companies up to 50% more in war risk premiums in order to navigate the Red Sea. Other providers are avoiding such business entirely.

The group, which is aligned with Iran, asserts that as Israel’s war in the Gaza Strip rages on, it is acting in solidarity with Palestinians.

While many companies have switched their ship routes to pass through southern Africa at much higher costs, some continue to pass through the Suez Canal and the Red Sea.

War risk premiums for trips to the Red Sea are currently quoted at about 1% of a ship’s value, up from roughly 0.7% previously. This translates to

Into additional expenses totaling hundreds of thousands of dollars for a seven-day journey.

Operation Red Sea

Red Sea In World MapOperation Red Sea
Red Sea Bordering Countries
Red Sea In World Map Operation Red Sea Red Sea Bordering Countries


As reported by Marcus Baker, global head of marine and cargo at Marsh, “the ships that have so far had problems,

Almost all of them have some element of Israeli or U.S. or U.K. ownership in there somewhere.”

According to Mr. Baker, “exclusionary language” pertaining to cover involving Israeli, British, and American interests is being introduced.

The U.S. and British navies have launched several counterattacks, but the Yemeni rebels have persisted in their attacks on commercial ships.

Following the United States and Britain’s strikes on 36 Houthi targets in Yemen on Saturday, the Houthis on Tuesday launched ballistic missiles at two ships that were sailing through Middle Eastern waters.

Red Sea Bordering Countries

Red Sea In World MapOperation Red Sea
Red Sea In World Map Operation Red Sea


But the militants are avoiding ships connected toto nations that are close allies of Iran. Ships are adding notes indicating

They have no affiliations with American, British, or Israeli businesses to their publicly accessible ship tracking profiles.

Munro Anderson, head of operations at marine war risk and insurance specialist Vessel Protect,

told Business Insurance that “the apparent safe passage offered by Houthis to vessels flagged or owned by Russia, China —

including Hong Kong — and Iran is designed to provide a degree of assurance to commercial markets associated with those countries.”


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