SBI Cards Share Price :About 31.8% Next Year


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Japan will do away with health insurance cards as of December of next year.

SBI Cards Share Price :About 31.8% Next Year

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A plan to replace health insurance cards with My Number identification cards by ceasing their use and issuance in December of next year was approved by the Cabinet on Friday.

In a press conference held after the Cabinet meeting, Health Minister Keizo Takemi stated, “Encouraging the utilization of My Number insurance cards is an urgent task.”

“We will work with healthcare providers and business leaders to ensure that more people experience the advantages.”

The government has integrated the use of health insurance cards into My Number cards, which have a 12-digit number that connects users to personal information, such as social security and tax information, in an effort to improve health care services and streamline administrative processes.

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According to the government, the integration makes it possible for medical facilities to view cardholders’ prescription and health checkup records, which removes the need for cardholders to explain them and allows physicians to give more tailored consultations.

Parliament passed a bill in June of this year that would eliminate the existing health insurance cards but allow users to keep using them for a year after the effective date, which is December 2. But the integration of the cards has not been well received by the general public.

Citizens have had the option to integrate their health insurance with their My Number cards since October 2021, but the health ministry reports that adoption has stayed at 4%.

In the meantime, thousands of instances have occurred where inaccurate personal data was connected to My Number cards, which increased public opposition to the current health insurance cards being discontinued.

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In a summertime Kyodo News survey, 51% of hospitals said in response to a multiple-choice question that they were unaware of the benefits the new system offered patients.

About 31.8% of respondents claimed that they were able to assist patients in resolving problems like duplicate prescriptions or mixed medications thanks to the My Number card system.


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