Paytm Wallet Is Currently Unavailable :1Health Insurance Now


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Currently, over 90% of Vietnamese citizens are covered by health insurance.

Paytm Wallet Is Currently Unavailable :1Health Insurance Now

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Paytm Wallet Is Currently Unavailable Currently Synonyms


According to reports, Vietnam Social Security (VSS) has surpassed its yearly goals in increasing coverage for health, unemployment, and social security, and currently covers 93.35% of the country’s population.

This percentage of the population covered exceeds the benchmarks set in the Government’s Resolution No. 01/NQ-CP and the National Assembly’s Resolution No.

68/2022/QH15, which are related to the socio-economic development plan for 2023, according to VSS general director Nguyen The Manh during the VSS conference in Hanoi.

In 2023, VSS collected over VND472.3 trillion (roughly US$19.24 billion) from social, unemployment, and health insurance premiums, up 8.55% from the year before, according to a report from Vietnam Plus. This number was higher than expected.

set by the prime minister by 1.41%. Total expenditures for the same period amounted to VND439 trillion.

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Paytm Wallet Is Currently Unavailable Currently Synonyms


The VSS also reported an increase in the proportion of the workforce participating in social and unemployment insurance schemes.

Approximately 39.25% of the labor force, equivalent to 18.25 million people, were enrolled in social insurance, while the unemployment insurance scheme covered 31.58% of the workforce, or about 14.69 million individuals.

In addition to these achievements, Manh noted that in 2023, VSS disbursed monthly pensions and social insurance benefits to 95,670 recipients. Furthermore, over 1.3 million individuals received one-off social insurance benefits.

The VSS also provided benefits for sickness, maternity, convalescence, and health recovery to more than 8.8 million people

The Vietnamese Ministry of Finance has proposed a decree elsewhere in the nation that would penalize life insurance companies up to VND100 million for purposefully giving “incorrect advice.”


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