Atlas Cycle:1 Life Risks Insurance Licenses Is UK Branch Now



Atlas Cycle:1 Life Risks Insurance Licenses Is UK Branch Now

Atlas Insurance PCC obtains licenses for its UK branch and life reinsurance.

Atlas CycleAtlas Corrigan Atlas Ramachandran
Atlas Cycle Atlas Corrigan Atlas Ramachandran


The Malta-based Atlas Insurance PCC has expanded its non-life insurance and reinsurance licenses to include life reinsurance, and it has also obtained authorization for its UK branch.

Cells under Atlas Insurance PCC are now able to reinsure both life and non-life risks and write non-life insurance risks directly in the UK and the European Economic Area (EEA).

Atlas’s first cell, which reinsures consumer goods with both non-life and life benefits, has been licensed as a result of the license extension for life reinsurance.

The approval of the UK branch following Brexit shows Atlas Insurance PCC’s ongoing commitment to its UK partners and guarantees continuous service for current cells underwriting

UK policies, following its initial entry into the UK market in 2010. hazards, the company stated.

Atlas Corrigan

Atlas CycleAtlas Corrigan Atlas Ramachandran
Atlas Cycle Atlas Corrigan Atlas Ramachandran

It will be possible for UK businesses and insurance intermediaries to set up their own protected cells if they deal with UK risks or clients. These cells have the option of directly insuring their clients or insuring their own risks in the UK.

Our first physical branch outside of Malta is our UK branch, which is an exciting milestone as we start to celebrate our centennial. According to Atlas CEO Matthew von Brockdorff,

“These developments are evidence of our dedication to innovation and meeting the changing needs of our global partners and customers.”


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