Best Paying Jobs In 1 Property-Casualty Insurers:


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To defend consumer rights, virtual insurers in Hong Kong are urged to review their privacy policy disclosure.

Best Paying Jobs In 1 Property-Casualty Insurers:

Best Paying Jobs In Property-Casualty Insurers
Best Paying Jobs In Property-Casualty Insurers


A recent survey conducted by the Consumer Council among four licences virtual insurance companies in Hong Kong revealed a number of areas that require improvement, such as the clarity of personal data retention policies, application form interfaces, and chatbot services.

Some virtual insurers’ website interfaces were found to be less user-friendly, according to the survey. The information policyholders could find themselves was often similar to or irrelevant in the catboat’s responses.

It’s noteworthy that just one business made the retention period for customer personal data clear, which raises questions about industry transparency.

To increase consumer confidence in virtual insurance products, the council urged the industry to improve privacy policy disclosures and website functionality.

The Hong Kong Insurance Authority (IA)-licensed four survey companies offer medical or protection against critical illness, three of which provide Standard Plans under the Voluntary Health Insurance Scheme (VHIS).

The companies offered different products; two concentrated on long-term business, which included life insurance, while the other two offered general insurance products such as pet and home insurance.

To defend consumer rights, virtual insurers in Hong Kong are urged to review their privacy policy disclosure.

Hong Kong’s virtual insurers were judged deficient in a few areas:
Best Paying Jobs In Property-Casualty Insurers
Best Paying Jobs In Property-Casualty Insurers


Because virtual insurance is conducted online, it requires well-designed websites with easily understood content. One of the four businesses didn’t have a chatbot; instead, it used messaging software to communicate with customers.

Two companies had chat bots that could answer simple questions, but they frequently returned results that could be found by searching on websites. The chatbot of the remaining company had trouble recognising keywords.

supplying unrelated information. This emphasises how important it is for virtual insurance providers to enhance their clients’ online experiences.

The survey evaluated the application procedures and policy detail searches as well as the user experience when applying for VHIS Standard Plans.

Insurance underwriters are required by the IA’s guidelines to confirm the identity of their clients. The methods used by the companies to verify employees’ identities differed;

While some simply required a Hong Kong Identity Card number, others required additional document uploads and selfie videos in order to authenticate.

The businesses followed the VHIS Plans “Standardised Underwriting Questionnaire,” which led to comparable health declaration specifications.

There were disparities, though, in the questions concerning the use of illegal drugs and risky behaviour.

Two businesses asked how frequently and what kind of activities these were, and one showed a message saying that it was ineligible for

online application in the event that risky activities were scheduled.

Convenience of application also differed. Two businesses provided a “Save Progress” feature, but the third’s form was more difficult to use and required a full restart if it was inactive for an extended period of time.

Two companies allowed online submissions for VHIS claims, while the third required forms to be downloaded and sent by mail or email.

Regarding the data retention findings:

Best Paying Jobs In Property-Casualty Insurers
Best Paying Jobs In Property-Casualty Insurers


The results of the survey regarding data retention were alarming. While the other companies were evasive about their retention policies, only one company explicitly declared a seven-year period of retention for personal data.

It was difficult to determine how long personal data would be retained after the policy was terminated because the reasons for keeping it were widely defined and included both legal requirements and statistical analysis.

Additionally, the survey brought to light differences in terminology used in the marketing-related Personal Information Collection Statements of the companies.

To prevent accidentally consenting to the use of their data for marketing purposes, consumers are urged to carefully read these terms.

With regard to VHIS Standard Plans, the survey discovered notable premium discrepancies between the three companies for the same age group; variances reached as high as 74% for males aged 15 days and more than 55% for females aged 80 years.

The Consumer Council cautioned customers to be on the lookout for cyber security threats, read policy terms and coverage carefully before purchasing a policy, and pay close attention to policy expiration dates—particularly when dealing with virtual insurers that don’t provide intermediary reminders.

Before committing to long-term policies, customers should also evaluate their needs and financial circumstances. They should also pay close attention to privacy policies, particularly


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