California Flooding :Significant My House Insurance Now


California Flooding Las Vegas Flooding Yellowstone Flooding

Does flooding in my house and car get covered by insurance?

California Flooding :Significant My House Insurance Now

California FloodingLas Vegas Flooding Yellowstone Flooding
California Flooding Las Vegas Flooding Yellowstone Flooding


WPRI – PROVIDENCE, R.I. Rhode Island saw a significant storm on Tuesday night that left many houses and automobiles underwater.

Checking insurance policies is crucial for homeowners, according to Chris DiMartino of AAA, as floods are becoming more frequent in the state (12 News).

“Flood damage is typically not covered by homeowner’s insurance,” he stated. “The thing you should check is if you or your agent have a flood insurance policy that covers flood damage specifically.”

Usually, one can obtain flood insurance from the government or from particular flood insurance providers. Even though it is typically more expensive, DiMartino claims that it might end up saving you money. “You could spend anything from $500 to

$1500 for a flood policy, but it’s a very worthwhile policy if you live in a flood-prone area,” he said.

Additionally, it doesn’t take much for a flood to damage an automobile.

Las Vegas Flooding

California FloodingLas Vegas Flooding Yellowstone Flooding
California Flooding Las Vegas Flooding Yellowstone Flooding

Driving through deep water or getting any kind of water inside the car is really all it takes to render it unusable, according to DiMartino.

He advises people to confirm that their auto insurance is comprehensive.

He explained, “Comprehensive coverage is the coverage that will protect your car in the event that flooding causes damage to it or totals it.”

Among other things, storm damage from falling trees is covered by comprehensive auto insurance.


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