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Consumer Reports Login :Captive Insurance 1 Promising

Reports of captive insurance in Vermont are promising.

Consumer Reports Login :Captive Insurance 1 Promising

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The Vermont Department of Economic Development states that “2023 reflected a strong year for captive insurance in Vermont, and the new year already is off to an even stronger start.”

Nine new captives have already been licensed this year. In 2023, Vermont not only gained international recognition as the top captive insurance domicile, but it also granted licenses to 38 new captive insurance companies. With 632 active and 27 dormant captives, the state now had 659 licensed captives.

To date, 1,330 captive insurance companies have received licenses from Vermont. Since Vermont granted its first captive license in 1981, the growth in captive formations in 2023 is among the top ten highest.

There were twenty-four pure, six sponsored, one agency, two association, three special purpose finance insurer, and risk retention groups among the formation types.

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According to the department, cell formations are keeping up with the increase in licensed captives. Vermont’s 62 Sponsored captive insurance companies continue to see growth in the number of new protected cells, with over 30 additions in 2023, in addition to the number of recently licensed captive insurance companies.

Sponsored captive insurance providers offer businesses a regulated insurance option with a pre-existing framework so they can use protected cells to take on their own risks.

In 2023, Canada, Chile, Germany, and the United Kingdom will account for at least seven of Vermont’s new captives. Together with the Vermont Captive Insurance Association (VCIA), a delegation from Vermont organized and conducted an event in March 2023.

a trade mission and educational program in Mexico City to engage with the area regarding captive insurance.

“I am grateful for the entire captive insurance division staff, for their consistent great work and dedication to quality regulatory standards, involving licensing,

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Analysis, and examinations, as well as those who quietly excel in their daily tasks to make the workplace function smoothly,” says Sandy Bigglestone, Vermont’s deputy commissioner of captive insurance.

“We’d heard consistently that the Latin American market needed more captive insurance education,” says Kevin Mead, president of the VCIA.

We discovered that captive insurance was highly sought after as a risk financing instrument when we traveled to Mexico, and we intend to keep working there in the upcoming year.


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