Eighth Wonder Of The World :1Consecutive A China’s Insurance


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For the eighth consecutive year, Ping An leads China’s insurance brands.

Eighth Wonder Of The World :1Consecutive A China’s Insurance

Eighth Wonder Of The WorldEighth Day Of Navratri Eighth Waste Considered In Lean Is
Eighth Wonder Of The World Eighth Day Of Navratri Eighth Waste Considered In Lean Is


HONG KONG – In its Global 500 Report for 2024, Brand Finance named Ping An Insurance (Group) Company of China, Ltd. (HKEX: 2318 / 82318; SSE (LON:SSE): 601318) China’s Most Valuable Insurance Brand for the eighth year in a row.

With a brand value estimated at US$44.36 billion, the company ranks second globally among insurance brands and 31st among the most valuable brands in the world.

Ping An’s brand strength was preserved in 2023 despite a difficult external environment by staying true to its “integrated finance + healthcare” strategy and brand promise, which reads, “Expertise makes life simple.”

The business increased the scope of its extensive financial services and provided clients with a smooth transition between various ecosystems. September 2023 saw Ping An serving almost 230 million retail clients, or 2.99 contracts on average per client.

The Group’s one-stop “integrated finance + healthcare” products and services ecosystem has improved as a result of its dedication to a customer-centric approach.

Ping An wants to improve the user experience by using technology in conjunction with its “one customer, multiple products, and one-stop services” model.

Eighth Waste Considered In Lean Is

Eighth Wonder Of The WorldEighth Day Of Navratri Eighth Waste Considered In Lean Is
Eighth Wonder Of The World Eighth Day Of Navratri Eighth Waste Considered In Lean Is


By September 2023, the reported operating profit attributable to shareholders from this approach was RMB112.48 billion, with an annualized operating return on equity (ROE) of 16.7%. Additionally, the company’s net worth exceeded RMB 900 billion.

Ping An’s CSR initiatives are in line with both superior sustainable development and societal advancement. The business has been commended for its ESG efforts and has been awarded an A rating by MSCI ESG Ratings.

for the consecutive year of two. With a green loan balance of RMB136.04 billion and green investments of insurance funds at RMB132.31 billion, the Group’s green insurance premium income came to RMB26.28 billion.

Since2018, RMB107.90 billion has been allotted to Ping An’s Rural Communities Support program to support the revitalization of rural industries.


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