Fuel Pressure Regulator :1License A Healthcare Provider Insurance Now



Fuel Pressure Regulator :1License A Healthcare Provider Insurance

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For insurance fraud, the regulator revokes the license of a healthcare provider.


A Markham clinic’s healthcare service provider license has been revoked by Ontario’s financial services regulator, and the clinic and two individuals have been subject to administrative penalties for engaging in fraudulent billing practices.

Gibson Wellness Centre Inc. (Gibson Center) was hit with a $200,000 fine and had their service provider license revoked by the Financial Services Regulatory Authority of Ontario (FSRA).

Additionally, the regulator revoked Gibson Wellness Group Ltd.’s (Gibson Group) service provider license and levied administrative penalties of $10,000 against Salama Nava Ratnam (Nava Ratnam) and $50,000 against Thavendrarajah Krishnan (Krish Theme).

In violation of section 447(2)(a.3) of the Insurance Act, Gibson Center and Krish Thavem made false and misleading statements or representations to an insurer. They also engaged in actions or practices that violate section 439 of the Act by being unfair or deceptive.

According to the release from FSRA, “Gibson Centre and Gibson Group are not suitable to be licensed based on this conduct.”

The Gibson Group and Gibson Centre shared a single location for their operations.

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As the principal representative for Gibson Center, Nava Ratnam violated sections 2(1) and 2(2) of Ontario Regulation 349/13 (Service Providers –

Principal Representatives) under the Insurance Act by failing to take reasonable measures to guarantee that the company’s operations were conducted honorably and in compliance with the law.

According to FSRA enforcement action documentation, Équité Association filed a complaint with the regulator in December 2021 on behalf of eight insurers, claiming that Gibson Center submitted bills for services not rendered and overbilled for services provided to patients.

The FSRA stated that Gibson Center submitted invoices through HCAI for services that Dr. F did not perform, resulting in a total of $205,564.53 in false insurance claims. “Gibson Centre received $183,033.83 of this total.”

Dr. F gave sworn statutory declarations throughout the investigation, claiming that the services had been falsely billed on invoices. Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, Gibson Centre was closed from March 28, 2020, to July 23, 2020, therefore the services were not offered.

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Invoices totaling $15,619.24 were also filed by Gibson Center for services that were purportedly performed on days when WC was not present at the clinic but were not actually provided by WC. The amount of these invoices that were paid to is unclear.

Gibson Center, “stated FSRA.

“Dr. F informed FRSA that Thavem was responsible for the completion and submission of treatment plans and invoices,” stated Krish Thavem, a former director of Gibson Center.

Gibson Center, Gibson Group, Nava Ratnam, and Krish Thavem declined to challenge the FSRA’s proposal or ask for a hearing.


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