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Geico Homeowners Insurance: Safety Rating Billings Fire Department Top 4%

Geico Homeowners Insurance: Safety Rating Billings Fire Department Top 4%

The safety rating of the Billings Fire Department may result in lower rates for homeowners insurance.

Geico Homeowners InsuranceState Farm Homeowners Insurance
Geico Homeowners Insurance State Farm Homeowners Insurance


The world may or may not be on fire, depending on who you ask, but the Billings Fire Department is excellent at what it does in the event that actual flames ever reach Billings.

Just ask the Insurance Services Office (ISO), which has ranked the department at the top 4% of over 39,000 departments assessed nationwide, having elevated it to a two on its rating scale (of 10).

If being rescued from a possible fire and your belongings aren’t comforting enough, Billings residents may experience a decrease in homeowner’s insurance once the rating takes effect on May 6, 2024, as it influences property insurance rates.

State Farm Homeowners Insurance

Geico Homeowners InsuranceState Farm Homeowners Insurance
Geico Homeowners Insurance State Farm Homeowners Insurance


According to a press release from the city, the new grade is the highest score the department has ever received. The last promotion for the department was from a four to a three in 2017.

According to the press release, the department’s improvements in emergency response, fire prevention education, and community risk reduction are what led to the higher rating.


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