Public Agent: The Top5 Insurance Fraud In Manitoba Now


Public Agent Public App Telangana State Public Service Commission

The top five claims fraud cases for Manitoba Public Insurance in 2023 are revealed.

Public Agent: The Top5 Insurance Fraud In Manitoba Now

Public AgentPublic App Telangana State Public Service Commission
Public Agent Public App Telangana State Public Service Commission


The top five attempted fraud schemes in 2023, as reported by Manitoba Public Insurance’s Special Investigations Unit (SIU), have been shared.

According to the MPI, auto insurance fraud in Manitoba costs more than $50 million annually. Over 3,000 fraud investigations were closed by the SIU last year, saving clients’ claims in excess of $10.5 million.

Top five fraudulent claim cases reported by MPI in 2023

A forgetful moment. A customer filed a collision claim for their car, but MPI claims the customer was unable to provide proof of the incident that resulted in the damage. After visiting an impound, the customer claimed to have been informed that repairs were necessary.

Need for swiftness. The client filed a single-vehicle collision claim, claiming that they were traveling at a speed limit of 60 km/h when they hit a bump in the road and lost control of their car.

The car was traveling at 181 km/h at the time of the collision, according to an SUI investigation. The driver’s license was suspended after the claim was rejected.

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Public Agent Public App Telangana State Public Service Commission


telling falsehoods. A customer claimed they were unable to work due to extreme headaches, dizziness, nausea, and pain in their arms, shoulders, and neck; as a result, they qualified for MPI’s Personal Injury Protection Plan benefits.

An examination showed that the client could carry out several physical tasks, such as lifting a full water bottle that weighed more than 40 lbs, hauling and loading a step ladder into their car, shovelling snow, and using a wand pressure washer.

The investigation resulted in the claimant’s eligibility for income replacement benefits being terminated.

The customer also called the police to report the incident, but they provided contradictory accounts, claiming that they were only given one key when they bought the car.

When the police discovered that the stolen truck had been involved in a rollover single-vehicle collision, they contacted SIU investigators. It was empty of people, and no keys could be found inside. The customer provided a false statement, which is why the claim was rejected.

driver without supervision. A driver reported hitting their spouse in the passenger seat and filed a claim. After an examination, the driver was discovered driving alone in their car despite having a supervising driver present at all times due to license restrictions. The policyholder provided a false statement, which led to the claim being rejected.

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Public Agent Public App Telangana State Public Service Commission


The public is being asked to assist the MPI in reporting instances of suspected insurance fraud. Visit for additional information.

Chief customer officer of MPI Satvir Jatana stated, “Our experts in SIU investigate suspicious claims to give customers the peace of mind that the right claims are being paid for the right amount.”

“This annual list highlights some of the most inventive fraud attempts and the methods MPI’s specialists employ to foil them, saving our ratepayers millions of dollars.”


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